The Wally: Questions and Answer Series with Bob Tasca III

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By Briar Starr, NHRA Staff Writer 

In this week’s The Wally: Questions and Answer Series, Kickin’ The Tires catches up with three-time Funny Car winner in 2022 and Ford Performance driver, Bob Tasca III. During this interview, the Rhode Island native discusses what he thinks his best season is, his favorite win so far in his career, and a favorite No. 1 qualifier among many different memories throughout Tasca’s career. It’s The Wally: Questions and Answers. 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

You’ve competed in 276 Funny Car races since making your debut at Pomona in 2009. Throughout your 14-year career, which season do you feel was your best and why?

Bob Tasca III: 

“My next one because we are getting better as a team.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

Since the Countdown was installed in 2007, you’ve made the playoffs six times in your career with one runner-up finish and nine No. 1 qualifiers. What’s been the best race you competed in the Countdown?

Bob Tasca III:  

“I’d have to say last year when I won in Pomona,” Tasca III said. “I could’ve ended up eighth in the points, but since I won that race it put me third in the points. That was probably my best race in the Countdown.” 

“I’ll tell you my most memorable race in the Countdown was when I had to beat (Matt) Hagan and I was teamed up with (John) Force and if I didn’t beat Hagan, I lost the championship. If it was flip-flopped, Force would’ve won the championship. We were a big underdog. We had all the Ford executives there and that played a pivotal role in Ford winning the championship.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

At some point during a driver’s career, they have experienced a scary moment. In your career, what’s a scary moment that you’ve experienced while competing and hope to never experience again?

Bob Tasca III: 

“The scariest moment for me is not having the chance to (race),” he said. “Like Dallas for example. We almost run didn’t in the semi-finals because we had an issue with the motor and had to change the crankshaft. There was a high probability we weren’t going to make (that round).” 

“I never fear driving the car, if you do, then you shouldn’t drive it. For me, the fear is something going to go wrong and you won’t have the chance to fix it. It’s wherever we could use to lose the run. That’s the scariest part.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

Most drivers have their “Welcome to NHRA moment.” For you, when did you have that moment and how did you take that learning moment to apply it later in your career?

Bob Tasca III: 

“I had one in Dallas,” the 12-time Funny Car winner said. “This sport is zero to hero, no matter how good your car is, no matter how much confidence you have, the simplest thing can take you out. I think the learning moments for me there is no detail too small. You can’t win a race unless everyone on your team is going in the same direction and when you get those opportunities to win, you have to capitalize on those moments.” 

“The wins are so hard to get. For me, that is what I have learned in the sport.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

If your driving career was over tomorrow, but you had the option to stay in the sport whether it’s a crew chief, marketing, or specialist, what would your other career choice be with exception of being a team owner?

Bob Tasca III: 

“That’s a great question, I would love to be the President of NHRA because I’m the CEO of my company,” Tasca III said. “My grandfather taught me a long time ago that as long as you’re signing the paychecks, the only person that can retire you is the lord and I like working for him.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

Sometimes people get mistaken for other people and that happens in racing a lot. Have you ever been mistaken for someone and if so, who?

Bob Tasca III: 

“I went to Europe one time in my life and people were asking me to sign autographs for a guy named Michael Schumacher (former F1 driver),” he said. “I don’t even know who Michael Schumacher is, but people say I look like him. At the time I didn’t know who Michael was, but now I know and I guess that’s the best form of flattery. I get mistaken for Michael Schumacher all the time.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

If time travel was available and you could go back in time, which season would you like to relieve and why?

Bob Tasca III: 

“I’d have to go back to when my grandfather was at the peak of his career,” Tasca III said. “For me, that’s why I’m racing. It’s all the stories I heard of what they did back in the 60s. My grandfather started racing Funny Car in the 60s. I’d have to go way back to when it all started.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

Nine No. 1 qualifiers in your career with your first in 2009 at Gainesville. Favorite No. 1 qualifier?

Bob Tasca III: 

“My next one.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

I am sure there are many achievements you would like to cross off the list before you retire, however, what would you like to cross off the list before you’re done with racing?

Bob Tasca III: 

“I would love to win the championship,” he said. “(Winning) championships are so hard to do. There’s a huge element of luck, there’s a huge element of skill. I would love to win a championship before I am done driving. I think these next couple of years are my best few chances to win a championship.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

Favorite race you will always remember well after you retire?

Bob Tasca III: 

“Winning my first race was pretty incredible in Gainesville, I don’t think you can take that away,” the Rhode Islander native said. “Winning Englishtown (2010) with my grandfather there and my whole family was there too. If I had to pick one, I’d have to say my first one (Gainesville). Guys race their whole life and don’t win a race. To win that first race against Tony Pedregon who I have so much respect for is one of my favorite memories.” 

Kickin’ The Tires: 

If there was ever a movie made about your career, what would the title of your movie be called and who would play Bob Tasca?

Bob Tasca III: 

“I can’t think of a title for my movie, but I am a pretty relentless, determined person. 

Throughout Tasca’s career, the Funny Car driver has made 276 starts and amassed 12 victories with 14 runner-up finishes, and earned nine No. 1 qualifiers, thus giving him a career win-loss record of 250-259. For 2022, he’s achieved three victories at Sonoma, Topeka, and Brainerd. The win-loss record in 2022 is 32-17. 

Fans wanting to learn more about Bob Tasca III can “follow” him on Twitter and Instagram. Additionally, you can “like” him on Facebook and visit his website here.

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